How to locate a gps tracking device on your car
- on December 08, 2020
- Categories: SpyGadgets
Locating a GPS tracking device can be difficult even with the best GPS detector. GPS trackers use a phone-based GSM or CDMA carrier to send their location data out. So, what you are really looking for is the signal that it sends out. The hard part is, that this signal is not always there. A GPS unit may be motion activated, to save battery life. Checking your car when it is not moving may just be a waste of your time, even the Best RF detector will not be able to locate a signal that is not there.
To start you need a place where you can check the vehicle without having outside wireless interference.
A large parking lot or field works well.
Before you get your detector out you can check for gps devices manually. Divide the vehicle into search sections. Remember, a tracking unit can be similar in size to a cigarette lighter, like the Real Time GPS Tracker iTrail® Connect Real-Time 4G GPS Vehicle Tracker GPS940. Open each door, check every door pocket look under the seat, make sure nothing is attached to the underside of the seat. The back seat as well. Look under the dash. Under the floor mats on the rear deck and so on its important that you check everything.
On the outside of the car, check all the wheel wells and under the bumpers. Newer cars have a space between the bumper cover and the metal of the bumper, check in front of the radiator near the grill and behind the head lights. A good thorough search may find a device.
Using a detector will require just as much attention to detail. Start by stepping away from the vehicle and setting the detector for scanning. The iProtect 1216 3-Band RF Detector is a handheld detector that will help you find the precise location of a GPS unit.
Begin the same way as a manual search, divide the vehicle into sections and start a slow sweep of each area of the car. Remember that GPS tracking devices may be motion activated, so either you or a friend should rock the vehicle to keep the device active. The detector may find an intermittent signal, depending how the gps is configured. Keep an eye on the gps detector to see patterns, and keep track of the time between brief spikes.
You will need to dedicate several hours to this process in order to be sure that you find a hidden tracker. Remember that buying good quality equipment is important. If it is important that you find a device that someone is using to track you, it’s important to buy the right device.