Workplace Hidden Cameras – Find Out Who Is Stealing From Your Office
- on December 08, 2020
- Categories: SpyGadgets
Workplace Hidden Cameras – Find Out Who Is Stealing From Your Office
It happened again, you went out for lunch and the cash you had in your desk drawer disappeared. It may be just a few dollars, but it is a few dollars that belongs to you. It’s not the first time this happened, you let it go before, hoping that the money would be replaced and nothing more would be said about it.
Lately, Office supplies are going missing all the time and you can’t keep a pen on your desk unless you are there to watch it.
It happens we take things home from work, pens, pencils and notepads. It’s not intentional theft, just a forgotten
pen in someone’s pocket, purse or backpack. This is a normal thing small things
come and go it’s an expected part of operating expenses. But when boxes of pens and cases of tape or
even toilet paper are disappearing it’s time to do something about it.
Small business don’t budget much for office supplies and when they disappear at a wholesale rate the business owner needs to find out who is taking the items.
Adding a camera to a small office is a difficult but necessary proposition. You hate to think that one of your people is intentionally stealing from you, but it has to stop. It may turn out to be a cleaner, delivery man or an employee.
The reason you need a camera is to find out exactly who is doing what. An office environment needs a non descript item like a Oscillating fan hidden camera or a spy camera in a smoke detector.
Your choices on how to place the camera are based on where you think the items are disappearing from, maybe a storage closet, back room or maintenance area.
Set the camera up to record on motion and aim it towards the area in question. You may get results right away, in a few days or even weeks. You will however, know quickly who takes what and how often.